BCA Announcements

The Bluemont Civic Association stands with the dedicated, hard-working employees of the federal government and its contractors who live in and contribute so much to the well-being of our Bluemont community and to Arlington. We recognize this is a difficult time for many of these neighbors and their families. We extend friendship and support during this challenging time.

Join us!

The Bluemont Civic Association is a member-driven organization. Annual dues are $15 per calendar year per household. Please provide your name, address and e-mail and $15 with your check made out to “Bluemont Civic Association.” All information is for BCA use only. You can mail the check to BCA Treasurer, PO Box 5134, Arlington, VA 22205, or you can bring it in person to one of our meetings or to a bell ringing. Only dues paying members are entitled to vote at our meetings. Please join us and have a vote!

Have a non-emergency service request or problem to report to the county?

Click here to learn more.

Contact Us

  • Facebook: Like our Bluemont Civic Association page on Facebook for regular updates on news of interest to Bluemont and the civic association activities www.facebook.com/bluemontcivic.
  • Website www.bluemontcivic.org for BCA meetings and official information.
  • BCA E-Mails: Neighbors who provide their e-mail address to exec@bluemontcivic.org receive e-mail reports monthly on issues affecting Bluemont residents, and civic association activities.
  • Contact the Executive Board: BCA welcomes comments, suggestions and questions from members. Contact us at exec@bluemontcivic.org

Bluemont Civic Association Meeting Wednesday March 26 at 7:30— Presentation on Shared Bikes and Other Micro Mobility Options

All are invited to our General Membership Hybrid meeting. The meeting will be in Room 207, the first classroom as you ascend the stairwell, in the Key Escuela Elementary School, 855 N. Edison Street, or you can attend on Zoom. The best door for getting into the school is the one at the south end of the building next to the parking lot.

The featured presentation and Q&A will be with Wendy Klancher, Arlington County Bureau Chief of Commuter Services will give a presentation on Capital Bikeshare (CaBi) and the Shared Micro Mobility Device (SMD) program.

The meeting will be on March 26, 2025, at 7:30 PM. You can join us in person in Room 207 of the Key Escuela Elementary School, 855 N. Edison Street, or you can attend on Zoom. If you want to attend on Zoom, please register in advance for this meeting at this link.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Before the membership meeting, there will be an Executive Board Meeting starting at 7 pm in the same location and using the same Zoom link. All members are welcome to attend that meeting

Arlington Neighborhoods Program - Concept Design Review Meeting

  • What: Concept design review meeting for the installation of intersection and traffic calming improvements on N Carlin Springs Rd between N Galveston St and 2 nd St N/N Jefferson St.
  • When: March 12th, 7:00 pm-8:30 pm
  • Where: 5429 N. Carlin Springs Road Arlington, VA 22203
For more information please visit our task force page